Monday, September 28, 2015

Toe-Rotica - Real Life Experiences of a Toe Monster

The Rest Area

Was taking a trip when I was living on the west coast. While driving down I-5 the traffic was moderately heavy. I was in the right lane and it, oddly, seemed to be a bit faster than the left one. I came up on a blue Toyota with two women in it. The passenger was laid back with her feet up on the dash. Being the highly observant Toe Monster that I am, I slowed down to see what was being put up on display. It was a tanned pair of feet with the most striking red painted nails I have ever seen. WOOHOO!!

I paced myself next to them for several miles, freeing my cock so I could enjoy things while I looked and lusted after those anonymous feet. After several totally awesome minutes traffic changed and I had to leave them behind. I realized I had to pee and looked for a place. A rest area exit came up and I took it.

After finishing my business, I came out of the bathroom to the site of a blue Toyota in the parking lot next to my car. Could it be??? I wondered......

As I got closer I noticed the driver was gone but on the passenger side was a pair of feet with red painted nails hanging out the window. I couldn't believe my luck. I had to walk right by them to get back to my car. At least I would get a close up view, I thought.

I walked up and the twenty something young lady greeted me. I looked at her pretty toes and responded back. "Are you traveling today," I asked. "Yeah, we are on our way to Seattle," she said.

"You have beautiful feet," I said with a smile.
"Oh, thank you," she replied, "I always try to keep them pretty."
"Well, you do a damn god job."
She giggled, "awww, thank you."

Impulsively, I reached out and touched her right foot, stroking the longish big toenail. A light squeeze and I had an instant boner. Surprisingly she didn't pull away. She just smiled and giggled some more. "you should be careful or I'll have you doing that some more," she said.

"You keep your feet there and I am liable to get very naughty with them."
"Really? How naughty?"

My response was to bend down and start sucking those beautiful toes.

Several sharp intake of breath and a few oh-my-gods later I raised up to find her masturbating through her shorts. I decided to go big or go home. I pulled out my cock and slid it between her toas. She pumped her toes 10 or twenty times and I shot  load all over the red polish and her feet.

I thanked her, got in my car and drove on.

Saturday, September 19, 2015



The longer I do this the more I see trends. Trends in what members want to see. Trends in attitudes and behavior of models. Trends in the marketplace. Hell, I even see trends in relationships.

One of the most surprising to me is the trend of younger women these days to say one thing and do quite the opposite. I don't see how hard it is to simply tell someone the truth about how you feel or what you want/need changed. Relationships whether they are personal, business, or D/S all undergo change as time passes and needs grow or diminish. Why is it so hard for some people to simply be honest with their partner and say something? Specifically, say something honest. I am not used to people I deal with blowing up over minor things and then looking for any minute bullshit excuse to sever ties. Hell, I still am on good terms with two ex-wives. A break up does NOT have to be adversarial or malignant. There doesn't need to be any wild-ass drama or bullshit. Simply say, "this isn't working for me anymore and I would like to change it to be like this."

I think the other shocking thing I have found is the number of people who utilize anti-social or sociopathic behavior traits, as well as the number of them who truly have no conscience in regards to their actions. Its like watching a heard of cows in a china shop at times. Its the "all about me" mentality and striving to meet their personal needs/obsessions at the expense of everyone else. And they feel totally justified in their actions. The viciousness displayed by some is quite unnerving. Facebook and social media haven't exactly helped since posting breakups is the fad and texting or posting on social media so you don't have to face a partner is pretty much a standard thing now. How do you know when its over? You go on Facebook or other social media and find yourself being blocked, trashed, and de-friended and you don't even know what the hell is going on. People that loved you a few hours ago are blowing up your phone and inbox with threats and bullshit accusations because of some post they saw somewhere. No proof. No trying to find out the whole story. Hell, not even a "damn, I'm sorry you're going through this but its not my issue" but rather an immediate jump that whatever someone posted is indeed factual and complete.

A friend on mine told me that nothing screws up people more than a FACT or the TRUTH nowadays. I am totally inclined to believe him now. You can present any truth to someone, but if their mind is made up that something else is true, then all the proof and evidence in the world will not deter their animosity or wrath. Its damn sad in my opinion.

The hardest thing is watching someone you care about self destruct or be used by others and not be able to do anything about it because they say "sometimes I just have to learn the hard way."  Really?? Damn, if 10-15 of my friends tell me someone is a piece of shit and to steer clear or be very cautious, I am gonna listen. I may still be stubborn enough to continue on my path, but you can be damn sure their cautions are in the back of my mind and the minute I see that what they are telling me is true, I am gone. Why is this such a "new" thing that no one seems to know about much less practice?

I guess I still have some learning to do.